Sunday, September 25, 2011


Been a very busy summer at work so....nothing has been done except for getting the car started so....nothing to update yet...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rummmmm the new cam gear, dowel pin and cam bolt....but been working a lot so not a lot of free time....
been doing 5 minutes jobs over the last few weeks to the car because time was short but this week had more the car started!!!!! it did run good and started right up when gas got to the carb!! now I am looking for some head plugs for the emissions junk Ford put on it..

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day something just too hot outside to think.

This is what I found after playing with the engine for about two hours trying to figure out why I had no fuel in the lines....two fuel pumps later..figured out what the problem was after some time on the net reading up on the problem.  Did not have time to finish working on it because it was too dark outside to see and did not feel like getting out the work lights. EDIT: well...found out what the problem you can see the bolt that held the fuel lobe in wiggled out and broke the dowel and ate up the cam gear and the front cover........

Did get the tranny in place on the cross member that I ordered the other day, but forgot I needed the tranny bracket that won't get to Advance Auto until tomorrow so I will finish the tranny when I get home then back to digging down to the fuel pump lobe.  I hope the bolt is just loose and not broken off  inside but we will see....

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 5

Had to wait what seemed weeks to get my fuel tank and my sending unit but after paint and undercoating it was ready.  As you can see there was just a bit of rust inside the original tank and there seems to be something wrong with the sending unit.  Not sure how but after 38 years not everything made by Ford can keep original parts in top working order.  When I moved the tank I could hear the rust.... 

Because this is my second Mustang and I have learned a few tips from the last one I know that you don't throw anything away before you replace it.  I was able to salvage the parts off the original one except for the sending unit. 

 Bottom after the undercoating was sprayed.., got a few scratches on it already guess I should of not banged it around on metal when I was storing it out of the way till the sending unit got here.

If you only knew how hard it was to get the nuts off these bolts, after about 10 minutes working on getting one off (and almost throwing them into the street) I got the right tools to get the torque to break the rust.

 Not really any rust on the bottom of the trunk...too bad my other one did not look like this.

 Thanks to Ana's help I was able to get the tank straps on it.  Forgot how hard this was to get in place.
 Was the charcoal canister...going on Ebay, you can't expect me to keep this on my car can you???
 The MSD 6A ignition system for the car. I wanted to put it on the other side of the shock tower but 1) thought it might get too hot with out real air flow to it 2) the original wires that were on it were too short for the ground wire.  Not bad for a free item in the car.

MSD 6A Specs

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 4 - Tranny....sorta

Figured out that the Tranny and Bellhousing is from an 84 Mustang, from looking at the cast numbers  my hops of a WCT-5 were shattered.  It is just a standard T-5 so major horsepower is out of the question for this car but I did find a company that supplied a kit to help ease the conversion from the old Toploader 4spd that was in the car from Ford to the new rebuild T-5.

I talked to Paul and they were very helpful with answering my questions about what will work and what wont work in the car.  They even knew that I would need to cut about 3/4" off my drive shaft and would have to pinch the shifter hole about 3/8" in the upper right corner to have the shifter come though correct. 

Also, I did find a forum that only talked about 1971-1973 Mustangs:

Found a few post that did help with the Tranny but also found a lot of post to help me see what an original one looks like.

Day 3 - Engine bay time!

Cleaned out the inside of the car and found a lot of new parts for it, for this moment I am working on the engine and tranny.  Had to buy : New starter for a 84 Mustang, plugs, plug wires, solenoid switch, new battery connectors, fuel line, fittings for fuel pump, fuel filter.  The wiring looks good so far in the engine compartment except for the solenoid, had two wires with shorts in them.  They came fused from Ford but..... just for a quick fix I cut the fuse out and straight wired them to the solenoid.  I have not figured out why the key won't turn the engine over but I did get the engine to turn over at the solenoid.  I can't start it because I am still waiting on the fuel tank (75.00 on Ebay) and the sending unit (18.00 on Ebay) to arrive in the mail.  So far everything is looking good, the engine turns over easy.

Day 2, car cleanout...

Got a lot of parts for the car inside it but need to dig my way inside so I can see what I have, this car is a 1973 Mustang Grande.  They took the top off it (yea! I hated them anyway). 

Day 1, Get the car home

Here is getting the car to the house and in the driveway....It looks like I had someone riding my bumper the entire way to the house whenever I would look up.